Wednesday, April 7, 2010

And there's the save....

This blog will be short and to the point because there just wasn't too much going on for me tonight to spend too much time on it...

Ok, the save of Big Mike... complete right decision on the judges part. The fact that they even had to use it on him, ridiculous. How does the contestant, however arrogant he may act, with arguably the best pitch in the entire competition, get the lowest number of votes? And Tim... honestly.. not even in the bottom three?! I mean, I'm not that surprised because of the fact that he's the love of every 12 year old, but oh my WORD is his safety getting annoying! I thought for sure it was gonna be Andrew once Aaron was sent back to safety (another ridiculous move!). I'm glad Mike was saved... he didn't deserve to have gotten the lowest number of votes.

The best part of the show for me was when Ryan confirmed that ADAM will be the mentor next week!! Yay!! I can already say without any doubt that next week's episode WILL be my favorite episode of the entire season. Hands down. I cannot WAIT to see the wonderfulness that is Adam. I also cannot wait to hear him perform on Wednesday... a performance that is sure to trump every other performance from this entire season! Oh Adam...thank you for coming back into the Idol world.. I literally cannot wait!!

Jason Derulo (sp?!) and Rhianna... I fast forwarded through most of their performances. I just didn't feel like taking the time to pay attention and wanted to just get to the results. David Archuleta was fantastic though! I didn't fast forward through any of him. I loved that performance of his on his own season and it was even better tonight! He's just so adorable. A BIT awkward...especially when he was exiting the stage and not quite knowing what to do... but he's just presh.

I love how Ryan has to make everything so dramatic. (And by "love" I mean...seriously...what is the point of that!?) Even with the fact that he TOLD us that the producers told him there were some SHOCKING results... I still didn't really think it was ALL that dramatic. Sure it was shocking that Aaron and Tim were safe and Mike was almost gone, but why the need to talk about how dramatic the show is gonna be. Just "let it be" dramatic (pun intended!).

Ok...that's about it for me tonight. I am already looking forward to next week and I can honestly say it is the first time this season that that has happened. It's a bit sad that it has nothing to do with any of the current contestants! In any case, congrats to Big Mike for getting another chance. Let's hope there's some sort of miracle and the two going home next week are Aaron and Tim! A girl can dream.....

1 comment:

  1. Oh G!!! As soon as I heard that Adam was the mentor for this next week...I KNEW you would be thrilled. Although...I'm not too sure he has "earned" a mentorship role...kind of like Miley Cyrus. Aside from his one awful AMA performance...I don't even want to think about it...he hasn't really "paid his dues" so to speak; and just because he was ON Idol doesn't mean he should mentor the up and coming. Still...I am WAY EXCITED to hear him perform on Wednesday! And to hear what he has to say to Siobhan about the "scream". And to see what he's gonna wear. And...

    This week is gonna be FUN!
