Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Top 10 Guys

Ok fellas. Umm. Let's just start by being real honest here. By this time last season, Adam had already started to blow my mind. This season... not too much of that happening yet. BUT, it's still early and Adam is and always will be the best contestant ever, so.... (you know I had to mention him in here somehow!)

So getting on with it....
I'll just start by discussing a few things about the show that I like a lot this season and a few things I don't like. Ok, actually there's one thing I really like and one thing I can't stand... and those things just happen to go by the names of Ellen and Kara. Ellen....love you, you're a great addition to the show and I think you're doing an excellent job. Kara...you bother me. A lot. You always have since the moment you became a part of the show last year, and sadly it doesn't look like that's ever going to change. I think you have some good stuff to say, I just can't stand the way you say it or that you say it at all. Sorry, but I'd rather have Paula than you. Keep Ellen....get rid of Kara...bring Paula back. Just a thought.

Alright onto the fellas. I'll just go in order and give a few thoughts on each so that this blog doesn't turn into an 18 pager....
1.) Michael Lynche. He sang "A Man's Worth". I thought he did excellent. I honestly don't think he hit one wrong note the entire song. This was my favorite performance of the night and of any performance he's ever done. This was WAY more his element than that Jason Mraz stuff he kept doing in Hollywood week. I really liked him tonight. Well done, Big Mike, well done.
2.) John Park. Oh, John. You're a cute kid...you speak really great Korean...and you were an adorable child. But that's about all you've got going for yourself in my opinion. Here's the deal with this kid....he has GOT to get over the stage fright. I mean, the microphone was shaking for pete's sake! I think because he was so nervous it caused him to not sing nearly as good as he could of. It was just okay. He's gotta step it up.
3.) Casey James. What a likable fella, huh? Sweet...fun...a little goofy. I like him. His voice? Eh... not bad. Not great, but not bad. The fact that he did Gavin Degraw's "I Don't Wanna Be" kinda put me off though. There are just one too many songs that need to be put to rest on this show and that is one of them. I love the song, but it's just a little overused on Idol. His guitar playing was great, but this isn't a show about who can play the best guitar. He's got a decent voice, just not quite "there" yet. He's way to charming to be going anywhere anytime soon though...he'll probably be in the top 10 if for only that reason alone.
4.) Alex Lambert. Well how cute is he?! Mullet and all, I just think he is absolutely adorable! His dimples and his precious little smile... just so stinkin' cute! I actually really like his voice a lot. A John Legend song was a great choice for him. His tone is FANTASTIC. Absolutely fantastic. He would make a wonderful sounding record, no questions asked. He, just like John Park, needs to get over the nerves a bit though. He looks SO scared every time he's up there. His voice is definitely good enough to get him into the top 10. I'd say he's one of the best male voices this season... just a very easy listen. And seriously, it doesn't get much more adorable if you ask me!
5.) Todrick Hall. I'm just not sure about Todrick. He's not bad, but there's just something about him that I don't think is very good. Maybe he tries too hard. I think that's it. He tries so hard to do something that's "cool and different" that it ends up just being way too much. Too many runs, too many vocal acrobats. I don't know. I'm just not sure about him. Seems like a really great guy but I'm just not sure his voice is as good as it needs to be. Or maybe it is and he just needs to learn how to get it under control. Something needs to change there, I'm just not sure what that is.
6.) Jermaine Sellers. Okay, the onesie that he was wearing....ha!! Hilarious!! The fact that he went on national television in that thing is reason enough to keep him around! So funny! I was, however, not that impressed by his voice. I remember his audition and I remember that I loved him... but now I'm not so sure. Again, just like over half the guys in this thing, he is not bad. He's just not making me jump out of my chair like a certain contestant from last season that may or may not have been mentioned in this blog already. I was bored with his song and there just wasn't anything "stand out" about his performance to me. He's gonna need to step it up if he wants to crack the top 10.
7.) Andrew Garcia. Ok, Andrew has been my favorite guy from the beginning. I love his voice, I love his tone, I love his attitude, I love his creativity... I just love him. BUT...tonight, not that great! I hate to say that because I really do love him and I think he's gonna end up doing really well this season, but tonight just wasn't his night. I completely agree with the judges in the fact that I think he did SO fantastic in Hollywood week when he did "Straight Up" that he's just got A LOT to live up to now. He may have brought out the big guns way too soon and is now struggling to keep up with himself. I still think he'll go far, but tonight just wasn't nearly as good as he's been.
8.) Aaron Kelly. I'm not even sure what to say here. His voice is good for a 16 year old and you wouldn't expect him to sound the way he does...but I just don't really get it. That was an interesting song choice in the sense that he tried to "make it his own" but really just did the same lick over and over and over. I just don't know. I just didn't like it. He was another one that I think was just trying too hard. I feel like he's the token "young kid" for this season...like he was 16 and a decent singer so they had to put him through. He's not bad, he just needs a little more experience before he can really be good enough to stick around.
9.) Tim Urban. Wow. And I mean that in NOT a good wow kind of way. He's gotta go. Plain and simple. He's cute as a button and I'm sure the younger girls are loving him, but wow. Just not good. Not good at all. There's just not much more to say there. Sorry Tim.
10.) Lee DeWyze. Here's the thing about Lee. He's intriguing. He's a little mysterious and a little "wanna be bad boy", and I think it works for him. I'm not sure I'm crazy about his voice, but there's something about him that I kind of like. I feel like we've heard his kind of voice before...pretty much every season there's a guy that sounds like him and to be honest, it's getting a little old. I do like him though, we've just seen him before. I suppose there's a lot of "repeats" every season, but the bad thing for Lee is that he's going up against people like David Cook and Chris Daughtry who were also this same kind of vibe. I think he'll stick around for a while, but he'll have to really pull out something crazy if he wants to be able to measure up to those two.

Well...there ya have it. Top 10 guys. My three favorites so far are Big Mike, Alex Lambert and his adorable mullet self, and Andrew Garcia. I think, as a whole, all the guys need to stop being so nervous and step it up. I'm gonna try really hard not to compare this season to last, because if I do that I will just constantly be disappointed in the fact that no one will ever measure up to Adam in my eyes. He was the greatest. Ever. I mean... it's just the truth. It had to be said....

Let's hope the girls bring their A games tomorrow! Until then......


  1. Great idea to start a blog. It will be fun to read your thoughts on AI. :)

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE Alex. And how ironic right?!!?

  3. My top choices for the guys right now...after last nites performance are Lee, Andrew and Casey...I do agree they need to step it up and get over the nerves or they will fail miserably. I'm not certain about the judges...Randy was really rough...Ellen is the 'nice' judge even when being critical...Kara...well I agree she knows her stuff but her delivering leaves a lot to be desired...and Simon...well he's just Simon. Girls tonite...I really like Crystal Bowersox...she's my fav...I hope she doesn't have to exit due to the health issue! Great Blog!

  4. I absolutely agree w/ ALL of what you said (big surprise?)
    Garcia is my favorite but was super disappointing last night. He just peaked SO early with 'Straight Up' - which was genius and I'm not so sure he can recreate that w/ another song. I'm kinda scared for him. Hope he's not a one hit wonder...
    I (heart) Alex. I hate his mullet and think that if he got a makeover he would actually be a little bit heart-throbby. Those dimples and the shyness and the VOICE. Holy smokes, the voice!
    When they said he was doing John Legend I was like, "no!!!" and then he opened his little mouth and I was like, "Yesss!!!"
    Big Mike sounded beautiful last night. Flawless.

    Urban needs to go and so does onesie guy (although that was hilarious) and I would not be one bit sad if the Korean went either.

    One more thing: I do NOT like the young boy. Not at all. He's reminding me of how annoying Sanjaya was from a few years ago (not nearly as bad, but the potential is there...)

  5. Yes, KayLani...so funny that I love Alex so much and his name is only 3 letters differen than my all time AI love Adam. :) I could seriously listen to him all day... so smooth!

    And Ashley...yes, that young kid could become the Sanjaya of this season...something I would NOT be happy about!!

  6. loved michael, alex and i have a soft spot for lee. i think hes still learning...but yes, compared to david grey and daughtry (even tho i hate him) I think he has a long way to go
