Thursday, March 11, 2010

The wrong Top 12....

What?!!? I mean.... WHHAATT!?!?!?!

What in the name of all creation happened tonight!? I am livid. LIVID. Aaron Kelly made it!? TIM freaking Urban made it!?! Alex Lambert DIDN'T make it!?!? Katie Stevens made it?! PAIGE MADE IT!?!?!?! LILLY DIDN'T MAKE IT?!?! WHY?! WHHHYYYY!?!?! There is something TERRIBLY wrong with this season. I know I was obviously way over the top with my love for last season because of Adam, but honestly...I am so upset about this Top 12 I could scream. The 4 people that went home are the wrong people to have been leaving tonight. 100% the wrong people.

Here's the deal... and this blog will be short cuz there is nothing to even write about since the show was so annoying tonight! If we're being honest, Todrick was never going to win, and neither was Katelyn Epperly. Both were very good singers, but there was not a chance they would've been the one to win it. The thing that makes me ANGRIER than I really should be right now is that Lilly...she had the potential to win. I said from the very beginning that I wanted someone like her to win. She should've been a serious contender. A serious contender! And adorable ADORABLE little Alex... he also should've been a contender for the title. I don't know if he would've made it as far as Lilly, but to be cheated out the top 12 by Aaron Kelly and Tim Urban..... INSANE!!!!!! Tim, Aaron, Paige, and Katie better be counting their blessings every second of every day that they are still on the show because there is NO reason ON EARTH why any of them ever should've been sent over to those sliver stools. EVER. And what made it even worse was Alex's crying! Oh my word...just break my heart into a million pieces. Honestly, those 4 should be angry right now because not one of them deserved to be leaving this early. Unbelievable.

Livid. That's what I am tonight. Livid. The one thing that is helping me just the tiniest bit is to know that Tim, Katie, Paige, and Aaron have zero shot at winning. Zero. It's just the principle of the matter. Sure they're not going to win, but they should also not be given false information in the form of "oh, you're better than the 4 people going home tonight"...because, clearly, they are NOT! Ugh. So dumb.

The only good thing about the show was the performance by Matt Girard and Scott McIntyre. I have never heard Matt sound that good! He was unreal tonight and saved what would've been quite possibly the worst episode of American Idol in all 9 seasons if not for that performance.

I'm done. I need to cool off before next week so that I can actually start caring about the show again and write these blogs. I love writing them too much to let something SO utterly annoying make me stop. But SERIOUSLY... this is unacceptable and I am not happy about it.


  1. Gina I agree with you about the wrong 4 leaving tonight. Especially Alex & Lily... NO WAY did I ever think the two of them wouldn't be in the top 12. Seeing Alex cry tonight almost made me cry as well. I think someone will still pick them up though. Their talent will not go unrecognized. And yes... Matt absolutely killed it tonight. I think that if he were on it this season, he would have won. He sounded freakin amazing tonight. I loved it when they did this song at their concert. Well we shall see how the top 12 plays out!

  2. I COMPLETELY agree...I swear...the show is rigged...wrong wrong wrong...part of me wants to NOT watch anymore just for rebellious sakes. Hopefully Lily got enough notoriety and her NOT making the top 12 will be her success.
